
1151 Walker Ste 100, Dover, DE-19904,USA

OTP Authentication

SMS OTP Services

Stay ahead of the game by implementing robust authentication processes and increase security measure with Triangle OTP authenticator service. Secure online transactions and safeguard user’s accounts with an OTP that is generated through our AES 256 secure algorithm. One time passwords (OTPs) are an authentication technique normally utilised as a feature of two-factor identification (2FA) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) that can help balance these requirements. OTPs are unique passwords that are only valid for a single sign in session for a defined timeframe.

OTP Features

Time Guarantee

Get ensured delivery of 99% of messages within 15 seconds and secured logins for your customers, websites and applications

User Authentication

Reduce the likelihood of users being impersonated by verifying their identity with two factor authentication (2FA)

Dedicated Routes

Feel safe to send OTP’s through dedicated carrier connectivity and instant routing

Validity Period

Configurable validity of OTP second, minutes or hours


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